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Queen 皇后樂團 - Queen 1(首張專輯 2024 混音|盒裝豪華版|黑膠唱片 LP + 6CD)

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Label: Hollywood Records

Released: 2024/10/25

Disc:1LP, 6CD, 108頁書冊

距離發行已過半個世紀,Queen 於 1973 年發行的同名首張專輯,經由 Justin Shirley-Smith、Joshua J Macrae 和 Kris Fredriksson 重新混音與修復,呈現出樂隊一直夢想的聲音效果。此次專輯新增了全新的曲目列表、替代版本、樣本錄音和現場音軌,這是迄今為止最完整的版本,也是 Queen 專輯首次獲得全新立體聲混音。

這款 6CD + 1 LP 的《Queen I》豪華套裝收錄了 63 首曲目,其中包含 43 首全新混音版本,包括原專輯、恢復其原始曲目順序、錄音室中 Queen 的即時場景錄音、樣本錄音、稀有的現場音軌,還有來自 1970 年 8 月 Queen 在倫敦的首次現場演出的未公開錄音。在 1973 年發行時被排除的歌曲《Mad the Swine》也重新回到了原本的曲目位置。此次發行還隨附一本 108 頁的書籍,內含手寫歌詞及珍貴紀念品。



CD1: Queen I (2024 Mix)

Keep Yourself Alive

Doing All Right 

Great King Rat 

Mad The Swine 

My Fairy King 


The Night Comes Down 

Modern Times Rock 'n' Roll 

Son And Daughter 


Seven Seas Of Rhye...

CD2: De Lane Lea Demos - 2024 Mix

Keep Yourself Alive

The Night Comes Down 

Great King Rat 



CD3: Queen I Sessions

Keep Yourself Alive (Trident Take 13 - Unused Master)

Doing All Right (Trident Take 1 - with Guide Vocal) 

Great King Rat (De Lane Lea Take 1 - with Guide Vocal) 

Mad The Swine (Trident Take 3 - with Guide Vocal) 

My Fairy King (Trident Backing Track In Development) 

Liar (Trident Take 1 – Unused Master) 

The Night Comes Down (De Lane Lea Takes 1 & 2 - with Guide Vocal) 

Modern Times Rock 'n' Roll (Trident Takes 8 & 9) 

Son And Daughter (Trident Takes 1 & 2 - with Guide Vocal) 

Jesus (De Lane Lea Take 2 - with Guide Vocal) 

Seven Seas Of Rhye… (Trident Take 3) 

See What A Fool I've Been (De Lane Lea Test Session)

CD4: Queen I Backing Tracks

Keep Yourself Alive

Doing All Right 

Great King Rat 

Mad The Swine 

My Fairy King 


The Night Comes Down 

Modern Times Rock 'n' Roll 

Son And Daughter 


Seven Seas Of Rhye…

CD5: Queen I At The BBC

My Fairy King (BBC Session 1, February 1973)

Keep Yourself Alive (BBC Session 1, February 1973) 

Doing All Right (BBC Session 1, February 1973) 

Liar (BBC Session 1, February 1973) 

Keep Yourself Alive (BBC Session 2, July 1973)

Liar (BBC Session 2, July 1973)

Son And Daughter (BBC Session 2, July 1973)

 Modern Times Rock 'n' Roll (BBC Session 3, December 1973)

Great King Rat (BBC Session 3, December 1973

Son And Daughter (BBC Session 3, December 1973

Modern Times Rock 'n' Roll (BBC Session 4, April 1974

CD6: Queen I Live

Son And Daughter (Live at the Rainbow - March 1974)

Guitar Solo (Live at the Rainbow - March 1974)

Son And Daughter (Reprise) (Live at the Rainbow - March 1974)

Great King Rat (Live at the Rainbow - March 1974)

Keep Yourself Alive (Live at the Rainbow - March 1974

Drum Solo (Live at the Rainbow - March 1974)

Keep Yourself Alive (Reprise) (Live at the Rainbow - March 1974)

Modern Times Rock 'n' Roll (Live at the Rainbow - March 1974)

Liar (Live at the Rainbow - March 1974)

Hangman (Live in San Diego - March 1976)

Doing All Right (Live in San Diego - March 1976)

Jesus (Live at Imperial College - August 1970)

I’m A Man (Live at Imperial College - August 1970)

LP: Queen I Live – 2024 Mix

Side 1:

Keep Yourself Alive

Doing All Right

Great King Rat

Mad The Swine

My Fairy King

Side 2:


The Night Comes Down

Modern Times Rock 'n' Roll

Son And Daughter


Seven Seas Of Rhye…



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