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Charlie Parker - The Passion Of Charlie Parker(黑膠唱片 2LP)

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預購週期請參考官方 Line 帳號提供的圖文介紹


分類:Hard-Bop Jazz

Label: Impulse Records

Released: 2017/07/21


環球黑膠為您帶來 Charlie Parker 的獨特專輯《The Passion Of Charlie Parker》。這張專輯是對這位傳奇爵士薩克斯手生平與音樂遺產的致敬作品,巧妙地將 Parker 的標誌性旋律與現代元素相結合。由 Larry Klein 精心製作,這張專輯邀請了多位頂尖的爵士音樂家和歌手共同演繹 Parker 的經典作品,將他的音樂重新注入新的生命與情感。

《The Passion Of Charlie Parker》不僅是一張音樂專輯,更是一場音樂旅程,帶領聽眾深入探索這位天才音樂家的內心世界。專輯中的每一首曲目都充滿了情感與靈感,從重新詮釋的《Ornithology》到深情演繹的《Yardbird Suite》,每一音符都展現了 Parker 音樂中的無限可能性。



1 Meet Charlie Parker (Chan's Overture) [Vocal Version of "Ornithology"] 

2 The Epitaph of Charlie Parker (The Funeral) [Vocal Version of "Visa"] 

3 Yardbird Suite - Donny McCaslin, Ben Monder, Craig Taborn, Scott Colley, Mark Guiliana, Gregory Porter 

4 So Long (Exodus to New York City) - Donny McCaslin, Ben Monder, Craig Taborn, Scott Colley, Eric Harland, Jeffrey Wright 

5 Every Little Thing (Bloomdido) - Luciana Souza, Donny McCaslin, Ben Monder, Craig Taborn, Scott Colley, Eric Harland 

6 Central Avenue (A Dark Journey to Los Angeles) - Donny McCaslin, Ben Monder, Craig Taborn, Scott Colley, Eric Harland 

7 Los Angeles (The Dealer's Song) [Vocal Version of "Moose the Mooche"] 

8 Live My Love for You (Chan's Love Song) [Vocal Version of "My Little Suede Shoes"] 

9 Fifty Dollars (Angels and Demons) - Donny McCaslin, Ben Monder, Craig Taborn, Larry Grenadier, Eric Harland, Jeffrey Wright 

10 The King of 52nd St. (Scrapple from the Apple) - Donny McCaslin, Ben Monder, Craig Taborn, Scott Colley, Eric Harland, Melody Gardot 

11 Salle Pleyel (Interlude) - Donny McCaslin, Ben Monder, Craig Taborn, Eric Harland 

12 Après Vous (The Apotheosis of Charlie Parker) - Donny McCaslin, Ben Monder, Craig Taborn, Scott Colley, Eric Harland, Camille Bertault



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