• Screenshot 2022-11-19 at 15.26.04

[LP] 《驚聲尖叫》原聲帶 精裝盒裝版 (首版)

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NT$ 3,990.00
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NT$ 3,990.00
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NT$ 0.00
全台及香港、新加坡地區皆可運送 | 環球黑膠
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預購: 每月月初進貨

Label: Varese Sarabande

Released: 11/06/2022


Disc:4LP, 血色紅彩膠, 有史以來第一次發行『驚聲尖叫』原聲帶


- Disc 1 -

1 Dimension Logo

2 The Cue from Hell

3 Trouble in Woodsboro

4 Red Herring

5 Chasing Sidney

6 Backdoor Gale

7 Schoolyard 2

8 Bathroom

- Disc 2 -

1 Sheriff and Dewey

2 Tatum's Torture

3 Sidney Wants It

4 Killer Stabs Billy

5 They're Crazy

6 End Credit Material

- Disc 3 -

1 Opening

2 Maureen Steals the Show

3 Your Lucky Day

4 Sid and Randy Talk

5 Introducing Gale Again

6 Sid and Dewey Talk

7 Dewey's Theme

8 Cici Gets the Call

9 Derek at Hospital

10 Murder in the Van

11 Joel Quits

- Disc 4 -

1 Dewey and Gale Attacked

2 Sid Says Goodbye

3 Showdown

4 The Big Showdown

5 Scream 2 Theme

- Disc 5 -

1 Here We Go Again

2 Cotton Car

3 Cotton Gets Picked

4 Home on the Range

5 Sunset Pictures (Full Version)

6 Sidney's Nightmare

7 Candy Ain't So Sweet

8 Gale Spies on Dewey

9 Comparing Photos

10 On the Set

11 Home Sweet Home

12 Killer in the Closet

13 Mother's Room

- Disc 6 -

1 The Fall Girl

2 Gale & Dewey Drive to Milton A.K.A at the Station

3 Dewey Mobile

4 Ghostface Attacks

5 Ghostface Vs. Jennifer

6 Sidney's Call

7 Boom Boom Out Go Lights

8 Sid Wears a Dress

9 Sid's Theme (Reprise)

- Disc 7 -

1 You're Not Real

2 Cheating on My Diet / Woodsboro 2010

3 When You Let Someone Go

4 Which Closet?

5 You Are the Message

6 Everything's Under Control

7 I Know How You Feel

- Disc 8 -

1 I Got It, Right

2 Your Ingenue Days Are Over

3 The After-After Party

4 Touch and Go

5 Don't Spoil It, Pt. 2

6 Don't FNCK with the Original


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