• Screenshot 2022-11-06 at 16.19.49

[LP] 『侏羅紀世界:統霸天下』Jurassic Park(首版原聲帶)

Regular price
NT$ 1,890.00
Sale price
NT$ 1,890.00
Regular price
NT$ 0.00
全台及香港、新加坡地區皆可運送 | 環球黑膠
詳閱注意事項 | 環球黑膠


預購: 每月月初進貨

Label: Mondo

Released: 26/08/2022


Disc:2LP, 首版


- Disc 1 -

1 Jurassi-Logos/Dinow This - 2:31

2 It's Like Herding Parasaurolophus - 2:46

3 Upsy-Maisie - 1:42

4 Clonely You/The Hunters Become the Hunted - 2:37

5 The Campfire in Her Soul - 1:45

6 Hay of the Locusts - 1:11

7 A Sattler State of Affairs/Alan for Granted/Sattler? I Barely Know Her - 2:42

8 The Wages of Biosyn - 3:49

9 Free-Range Kidnapping - 4:32

10 A-Biosyn' We Will Go - 3:53

11 This Dodgson Burns Bright/The Maltese Dragons - 4:55

12 In Contempt of Delacourt/Dance of the Atrociraptors - 5:24

- Disc 2 -

1 The Geneticist's Gambit/Cicadian Rhythms - 6:14

2 A Dimetrodon a Dozen - 4:14

3 She Shoots, She Scorches - 3:12

4 Gigantosaurus on Your Life - 1:52

5 Ladder and Subtract/What's Your Major Malcolm Function/Six Degrees of Evacuation - 3:49

6 Gotta Shut Down the Blah Blah Blah - 1:39

7 Wu-Ing for Redemption 1:45

8 Battle Royale with Reprise/Six Days Seven Denouements - 5:09

9 All the Jurassic World's a Rage - 2:43

10 Suite, Suite Dino Revenge - 8:58


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