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[CD] Green Day - Studio Albums 1990-09 合輯

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NT$ 1,390.00
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NT$ 1,390.00
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預購: 每月月初進貨

Label: Warner Bros UK

發行日: 2012/09/04




進口盒裝,所有專輯均採用紙套包裝; 1039 平滑了《Slappy Hours》、《Kerplunk》、《Dookie》、《Insomniac》、《Nimrod》、《Warning》、《American Idiot》和《21st Century Breakdown》。


1 At the Library

2 Don't Leave Me

3 I Was There

4 Disappearing Boy

5 Green Day

6 Going to Pasalacqua

7 16

8 Road to Acceptance

9 Rest

10 The Judge's Daughter

11 Paper Lanterns

12 Why Do You Want Him?

13 409 in Your Coffeemaker

14 Knowledge

15 1,000 Hours

16 Dry Ice

17 Only of You

18 The One I Want

19 I Want to Be Alone

20 2000 Light Years Away

21 One for Tha Razorbacks

22 Welcome to Paradise

23 Christie RD

24 Private Ale

25 Dominated Love Slave

26 One of My Lies

27 80

28 Android

29 No One Knows

30 Who Wrote Holden Caulfield?

31 Words I Might Have Ate

32 Sweet Children

33 Best Thing in Town

34 Strangeland

35 My Generation

36 Burnout

37 Having a Blast

38 Chump

39 Longview

40 Welcome to Paradise

41 Pulling Teeth

42 Basket Case

43 She

44 Sassafras Roots

45 When I Come Around

46 Coming Clean

47 Emenius Sleepus

48 In the End

49 F.O.D

50 Armatage Shanks

51 Brat

52 Stuck with Me

53 Geek Stink Breath

54 No Pride

55 Bab's Uvula Who?

56 86

57 Panic Song

58 Stuart and the Ave

59 Brain Stew

60 Jaded

61 Westbound Sign

62 Tight Wad Hill

63 Walking Contradiction

64 Nice Guys Finish Last

65 Hitchin' a Ride

66 The Grouch

67 Redundant

68 Scattered

69 All the Time

70 Worry Rock

71 Platypus (I Hate You)

72 Uptight

73 Last Ride in

74 Jinx

75 Haushinka

76 Walking Alone

77 Reject

78 Take Back

79 King for a Day

80 Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)

81 Prosthetic Head

82 Warning

83 Blood, Sex and Booze

84 Church on Sunday

85 Fashion Victim

86 Castaway

87 Misery

88 Deadbeat Holiday

89 Hold on

90 Jackass

91 Waiting

92 Minority

93 Macy's Day Parade

94 86 -Live in Prague

95 American Idiot

96 Jesus of Suburbia: Jesus of Suburbia/City of the Damned/I Do

97 Holiday

98 Boulevard of Broken Dreams

99 Are We the Waiting

100 St. Jimmy

101 Give Me Novacaine

102 She's a Rebel

103 Extraordinary Girl

104 Letterbomb

105 Wake Me Up When September Ends

106 Homecoming: The Death of St. Jimmy/East 12th St. /Nobody Likes

107 Whatsername

108 Song of the Century Act 1-Heroes & Cons

109 21th Century Breakdown

110 Know Your Enemy

111 Viva la Gloria!

112 Before the Lobotomy

113 Christian's Inferno

114 Last Night on Earth Act 2-Charlatans & Saints

115 East Jesus Nowhere

116 Peacemaker

117 Last of the American Girls

118 Murder City

119 Viva la Gloria? (Little Girl)

120 Restless Heart Syndrome Act 3-Horseshoes & Handgrenades

121 Horshoes & Handgrenades

122 The Static Age

123 21 Guns

124 American Eulogy: Mass Hysteria/Modern World

125 See the Light

126 See the Light


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