• 51Z1Mq4SWvL._SL500_

超脫樂團 Nirvana- Nevermind (30週年5CD, 相冊, 1藍光)

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NT$ 5,240.00
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NT$ 5,240.00
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預購: 每月月初進貨

Label: Geffen Records

發行日: 2021/11/12


Disc:5CD, 硬殼40頁相冊, 1藍光光碟, 精裝版, 週年紀念款


- Disc 1 -

1 * CD1 - Nevermind (Original Album Remastered)

2 Smells Like Teen Spirit

3 In Bloom

4 Come As You Are

5 Breed

6 Lithium

7 Polly

8 Territorial Pissings

9 Drain You

10 Lounge Act

11 Stay Away

12 On a Plain

13 Something in the Way

- Disc 2 -

1 * CD2 - Live in Amsterdam, Netherlands (Paradiso, November 25, 1991)

2 Drain You*

3 Aneurysm*

4 School

5 Floyd the Barber*

6 Smells Like Teen Spirit*

7 About a Girl*

8 Polly*

9 Lithium

10 Sliver*

11 Breed*

12 Come As You Are*

13 Been a Son

14 Negative Creep*

15 On a Plain*

16 Blew

17 Love Buzz*

18 Territorial Pissings*

- Disc 3 -

1 * CD3 - Live in Del Mar, California (Pat O'Brien Pavilion, Del Mar Fairgrounds, December 28, 1991)

2 Drain You

3 Aneurysm

4 School*

5 Floyd the Barber*

6 Smells Like Teen Spirit

7 About a Girl*

8 Polly

9 Sliver

10 Breed*

11 Come As You Are*

12 Lithium*

13 Territorial Pissings*

- Disc 4 -

1 * CD4 - Live in Melbourne, Australia for Triple J (The Palace, St. Kilda, February 1, 1992)*

2 Aneurysm

3 Drain You

4 School

5 Sliver

6 About a Girl

7 Come As You Are

8 Lithium

9 Breed

10 Polly

11 Lounge Act

12 In Bloom

13 Love Buzz

14 Smells Like Teen Spirit

15 Feedback Jam

16 Negative Creep

17 On a Plain

18 Blew

- Disc 5 -

1 * CD 5 - Live in Tokyo, Japan (Nakano Sunplaza, February 19, 1992)*

2 Negative Creep

3 Been a Son

4 On a Plain

5 Blew

6 Come As You Are

7 Lithium

8 Breed

9 Sliver

10 Drain You

11 About a Girl

12 School

13 Aneurysm

14 Love Buzz

15 Polly

16 Territorial Pissings

17 Smells Like Teen Spirit

- Disc 6 -

1 * Blu-ray - Live in Amsterdam, Netherlands (Paradiso, November 25, 1991)*

2 Drain You

3 Aneurysm

4 School

5 Floyd the Barber

6 Smells Like Teen Spirit

7 About a Girl

8 Polly

9 Lithium

10 Sliver

11 Breed

12 Come As You Are

13 Been a Son

14 Negative Creep

15 On a Plain

16 Blew

17 Love Buzz

18 Territorial Pissings


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