泰勒絲Taylor Swift (Taylor's Version) - Fearless 無懼的愛(2CD)
- Regular price
- NT$ 25.90
- Sale price
- NT$ 25.90
- Regular price
NT$ 0.00
預購: 每月月初進貨
Label: Republic
發行日: 2021/04/09
Disc:2CD(Taylor's Version)
1 Fearless (Taylor's Version)
2 Fifteen (Taylor's Version)
3 Love Story (Taylor's Version)
4 Hey Stephen (Taylor's Version)
5 White Horse (Taylor's Version)
6 You Belong with Me (Taylor's Version)
7 Breathe (Feat. Colbie Caillat) (Taylor's Version)
8 Tell Me Why (Taylor's Version)
9 You're Not Sorry (Taylor's Version)
10 The Way I Loved You (Taylor's Version)
11 Forever & Always (Taylor's Version)
12 The Best Day (Taylor's Version)
13 Change (Taylor's Version)
14 Jump Then Fall (Taylor's Version)
15 Untouchable (Taylor's Version)
16 Forever & Always (Piano Version) (Taylor's Version)
17 Come in with the Rain (Taylor's Version)
18 Superstar (Taylor's Version)
19 The Other Side of the Door (Taylor's Version)
20 Today Was a Fairytale (Taylor's Version)
21 You All Over Me (Feat. Maren Morris) (Taylor's Version) (From the Vault)
22 Bonus Track 2 (From the Vault)
23 Bonus Track 3 (From the Vault)
24 Bonus Track 4 (From the Vault)
25 Bonus Track 5 (From the Vault)
26 Bonus Track 6 (From the Vault)
27 Love Story (Taylor's Version) - Elvira Remix
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