Miles Davis Quintet: The Bootleg Series8 - Miles In France 1963 & 1964(黑膠唱片 8LP)
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- NT$ 271.10
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- NT$ 271.10
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NT$ 0.00
預購: 每月月初進貨
Label:Sony Legacy
Released: 2024/11/08
環球黑膠為您帶來爵士樂傳奇人物 Miles Davis Quintet 的現場錄音系列第八部《Miles In France 1963 & 1964》。這張專輯捕捉了 Miles Davis 在1960年代的輝煌時刻,收錄了他與五重奏在法國進行的現場演出,展現了他的創意與即興天賦。專輯中的演出時間點對應於 Miles 進入創作巔峰期,當時他的五重奏成員包括了 Herbie Hancock、Ron Carter、Tony Williams 和 George Coleman 等一流樂手。
1963年與1964年的法國現場演出,讓聽眾可以深入體驗當時爵士樂的尖端即興表演,特別是與觀眾之間的緊密互動。這些演出在音樂史上具有里程碑意義,不僅展示了 Miles Davis 的革新精神,還反映了他的音樂影響力如何跨越國界。
-Disc 1-
Side 1
- Introduction by Andre Francis (Live at Festival Mondial Du Jazz Antibes/Juan-Les-Pins, France - July 26, 1963) – 0:46
- So What (Live at Festival Mondial Du Jazz Antibes/Juan-Les-Pins, France - July 26, 1963) – 9:46
- All Blues (Live at Festival Mondial Du Jazz Antibes/Juan-Les-Pins, France - July 26, 1963) – 11:59
Side 2
- Stella By Starlight (Live at Festival Mondial Du Jazz Antibes/Juan-Les-Pins, France - July 26, 1963) – 14:12
- Seven Steps to Heaven (Live at Festival Mondial Du Jazz Antibes/Juan-Les-Pins, France - July 26, 1963) – 11:01
-Disc 2 -
Side 1
- Walkin' (Live at Festival Mondial Du Jazz Antibes/Juan-Les-Pins, France - July 26, 1963) – 10:41
- My Funny Valentine (Live at Festival Mondial Du Jazz Antibes/Juan-Les-Pins, France - July 26, 1963) – 9:56
Side 2
- Joshua (Live at Festival Mondial Du Jazz Antibes/Juan-Les-Pins, France - July 26, 1963) – 11:04
- The Theme (Live at Festival Mondial Du Jazz Antibes/Juan-Les-Pins, France - July 26, 1963) – 2:59
- Closing announcement by Andre Francis (Live at Festival Mondial Du Jazz Antibes/Juan-Les-Pins, France - July 26, 1963) – 0:37
-Disc 3 -
Side 1
- Introduction by Andre Francis (Live at Festival Mondial Du Jazz Antibes/Juan-Les-Pins, France - July 27, 1963) – 0:46
- Autumn Leaves (Live at Festival Mondial Du Jazz Antibes/Juan-Les-Pins, France - July 27, 1963) – 13:52
- Milestones (Live at Festival Mondial Du Jazz Antibes/Juan-Les-Pins, France - July 27, 1963) – 9:17
Side 2
- I Thought About You (Live at Festival Mondial Du Jazz Antibes/Juan-Les-Pins, France - July 27, 1963) – 11:44
- Joshua (Live at Festival Mondial Du Jazz Antibes/Juan-Les-Pins, France - July 27, 1963) – 11:27
-Disc 4 -
Side 1
- All Of You (Live at Festival Mondial Du Jazz Antibes/Juan-Les-Pins, France - July 27, 1963) – 16:49
Side 2
- Walkin' (Live at Festival Mondial Du Jazz Antibes/Juan-Les-Pins, France - July 27, 1963) – 16:15
-Disc 5 -
Side 1
- Bye Bye Blackbird (Live at Festival Mondial Du Jazz Antibes/Juan-Les-Pins, France - July 27, 1963) – 16:47
- Bye Bye (Theme) (Live at Festival Mondial Du Jazz Antibes/Juan-Les-Pins, France - July 27, 1963) – 6:06
Side 2
- Introduction by Andre Francis (Live at Festival Mondial Du Jazz Antibes/Juan-Les-Pins, France - July 28, 1963) – 1:21
- If I Were A Bell (Live at Festival Mondial Du Jazz Antibes/Juan-Les-Pins, France - July 28, 1963) – 12:46
-Disc 6 -
Side 1
- So What (Live at Festival Mondial Du Jazz Antibes/Juan-Les-Pins, France - July 28, 1963) – 12:44
- Stella By Starlight (Live at Festival Mondial Du Jazz Antibes/Juan-Les-Pins, France - July 28, 1963) – 15:47
Side 2
- Walkin' (Live at Festival Mondial Du Jazz Antibes/Juan-Les-Pins, France - July 28, 1963) – 18:18
- The Theme (Live at Festival Mondial Du Jazz Antibes/Juan-Les-Pins, France - July 28, 1963) – 0:28
-Disc 7 -
Side 1
- Autumn Leaves (Live at Paris, Salle Pleyel, France - October 1, 1964 [1st Concert]) – 12:49
- So What (Live at Paris, Salle Pleyel, France - October 1, 1964 [1st Concert]) – 9:36
Side 2
- Stella By Starlight (Live at Paris, Salle Pleyel, France - October 1, 1964 [1st Concert]) – 11:03
- Walkin' (Live at Paris, Salle Pleyel, France - October 1, 1964 [1st Concert]) – 9:07
- The Theme (Live at Paris, Salle Pleyel, France - October 1, 1964 [1st Concert]) – 0:38
-Disc 8 -
Side 1
- All of You (Live at Paris, Salle Pleyel, France - October 1, 1964 [2nd Concert]) – 16:05
- Joshua (Live at Paris, Salle Pleyel, France - October 1, 1964 [2nd Concert]) – 12:37
Side 2
- My Funny Valentine (Live at Paris, Salle Pleyel, France - October 1, 1964 [2nd Concert]) – 12:20
- No Blues (Live at Paris, Salle Pleyel, France - October 1, 1964 [2nd Concert]) – 13:13
- The Theme (Live at Paris, Salle Pleyel, France - October 1, 1964 [2nd Concert]) – 1:07
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