• Screenshot 2022-11-18 at 00.16.15

[LP] 哥吉拉vs 戴斯特洛伊亞 電影配樂

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Godzilla vs. Destoroyah

預購: 每月月初進貨

Label: Mondo

Released: 28/01/2022




  • 1 Toho Mark
  • 2 The Destruction of Birth Island
  • 3 Main Title
  • 4 Emiko Reminisces
  • 5 Incident at the Underwater Tunnel
  • 6 Godzillaoff the Coast of Taiwan
  • 7 Earth Inferno
  • 8 The Oxygen Destroyer
  • 9 The Hole in the Flask
  • 10 The Nightmare at the Aquarium
  • 11 Discovery of the Microorganism
  • 12 Godzilla Off the Coast of Okinawa
  • 13 The Mysterious Life Form Emerges I
  • 14 The Mysterious Life Form Emerges II
  • 15 Yukari's Crisis I
  • 16 Yukari's Crisis II
  • 17 Godzilla Appears in the Bungo Channel
  • 18 Super-X3
  • 19 Super-X3 Preparation Sortie
  • 20 Godzilla Vs. Super-X3
  • 21 Little One Was Alive
  • 22 Meltdown
  • 23 Self Defense Forces Attack Preparation
  • 24 Junior and Miki
  • 25 Junior Vs. Destoroyah I
  • 26 Junior Vs. Destoroyah II
  • 27 Godzilla and Junior
  • 28 Super-X3 Takes Off
  • 29 Junior Is Captured
  • 30 Junior on the Verge of Death
  • 31 Godzilla Vs. Destoroyah I
  • 32 Godzilla Vs. Destoroyah II
  • 33 Godzilla Vs. Destoroyah III
  • 34 Godzilla Vs. Destoroyah IV
  • 35 The Death of Junior
  • 36 Godzilla Vs. Destoroyah V
  • 37 Requiem
  • 38 The Birth of the New Godzilla
  • 39 Ending


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