• unnamed_(15) (1)
  • 2 Sp Dlx LPs
  • 5 Sp Dlx Book
  • 4 Sp Dlx DVDs
  • 3 Sp Dlx CDs
  • 093624880998.sml_1

「終極版」聯合公園 Linkin Park- 美特拉 Meteora(20週年限量版5LP+4CD+1相冊+海報等|黑膠唱片 CD)

Regular price
NT$ 8,490.00
Sale price
NT$ 8,490.00
Regular price
NT$ 8,890.00 - NT$ 8,895.00
全台及香港、新加坡地區皆可運送 | 環球黑膠
詳閱注意事項 | 環球黑膠


預購: 每月月初進貨

Label: Warner Records

Released: 2023/04/07



  • 5 LPs 
    • Meteora (1 LP)
    • Live in Texas (2 LP) - debut vinyl release
    • Live in Nottingham 2003 (2 LP) - previously unreleased
  • 4 CDs
    • Meteora
    • LPU Rarities 2.0
    • Live Rarities 2003-2004
    • Lost Demos (previously unreleased)
  • 3 DVDs (Including 4 previously unreleased concerts)
    • Veterans Stadium 2003, Live in Seoul 2003
    • Live in Manila 2004, Live in Denver – Projekt Revolution 2004
    • The Making of Meteora/The Art of Meteora & the new Work In Progress lifestyle documentary
  • Deluxe packaging 40-page book
  • 36” x 24” Poster of the Meteora wall
  • Litho created by Delta, the street artist featured on the album cover
  • Retro Sticker Sheet Linkin Park Logo Stencil
  • Hi-res Digital Download Card


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