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海賊王 One piece 電影版曲目精選集(限量版|紅藍雙色彩膠|黑膠唱片 2LP)

Regular price
NT$ 76.70
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NT$ 76.70
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NT$ 0.00
全台及香港、新加坡地區皆可運送 | 環球黑膠
詳閱注意事項 | 環球黑膠


預購週期請參考官方 Line 帳號提供的圖文介紹



Label: Kana Music

Released: 2022/12/02

Disc:2LP, 限量版, 紅藍雙色彩膠

環球黑膠為您帶來《海賊王 One Piece 電影版曲目精選集》。這張限量版紅藍雙色彩膠黑膠唱片(2LP)由Kana Music於2022年發行,專為《海賊王》電影愛好者設計。這張專輯收錄了來自九部不同電影的精選曲目,包括《時鐘島冒險》、《喬巴王國的奇蹟之島》、《死亡盡頭的冒險》、《被詛咒的聖劍》、《機械巨兵的城堡》、《強者世界》、《Z電影》和《3D2Y》等。


- Disc 1 -

1 Kouhei Tanaka- the Thief Brothers Appear 0:56

2 Kouhei Tanaka- Sanji's in a Big Pinch! 1:04

3 Kouhei Tanaka- Terror of the King Cannon 0:39

4 Kouhei Tanaka- Boroodo's Confession 1:52

5 Kouhei Tanaka- Bear King's Rage 0:45

6 Kouhei Tanaka- Spirited Swordsman Zoro 1:27

7 Kouhei Tanaka- Bet Your Life on It! 0:40

8 Kouhei Tanaka- Mother, Then Setting Off 1:58

9 Kouhei Tanaka- Butler and His Henchman Appear! 0:42

10 Kouhei Tanaka- An Enemy Is Coming! 1:35

11 Kouhei Tanaka- Sanji Vs Snake 0:29

12 Shiro Hamaguchi- Big Fight! 1:29

13 Shiro Hamaguchi- Fierce Battle! Zoro & Sanji 1:08

14 Shiro Hamaguchi- Shuraiya Vs Needles 0:39

15 Shiro Hamaguchi- Going Merry, Fly! 1:18

16 Kouhei Tanaka- Gasparde's Power 1:18

17 Kouhei Tanaka- Shuraiya's Past 0:26

18 Kouhei Tanaka- As Long As You're Alive 1:05

19 Shiro Hamaguchi- Luffy Appears! 1:18

20 Shiro Hamaguchi- the Marine Swordsman's Battle Cry 1:50

21 Shiro Hamaguchi- Action Starts 0:59

22 Shiro Hamaguchi- Three Towers 1:26

23 Shiro Hamaguchi- Luffy's Fierce Attack 1:07

24 Kouhei Tanaka- Resort Island 2:00

25 Kouhei Tanaka- Sinking... 0:57

26 Kouhei Tanaka- Be Careful 1:12

27 Kouhei Tanaka- Thoughts Don't Reach Far Enough

- Disc 2 -

1 Yasunori Iwasaki- Karakuri Defense System, Activate! 1:05

2 Yasunori Iwasaki- Karakuri Defense System, Deploy! 1:30

3 Kouhei Tanaka- Something Terrible Awakens! 0:54

4 Kouhei Tanaka- It Awakens! 0:56

5 Kouhei Tanaka- a Mother's Love 2:03

6 Kouhei Tanaka- the Golden Crown Exists! 0:26

7 Yasunori Iwasaki- Ratchet's Ambition 0:41

8 Yasunori Iwasaki- Karakuri Castle, Transform! 2:02

9 Kouhei Tanaka- Straw Hat Pirates, Begin Counterattack! 1:25

10 Yasunori Iwasaki- Giant Stronghold, Takeoff!! 2:50

11 Kouhei Tanaka- Karakuri on Guard! 0:37

12 Yasunori Iwasaki- Luffy Versus Ratchet Round 1 1:14

13 Yasunori Iwasaki- Zoro Versus General Maji 0:48

14 Yasunori Iwasaki- Sanji Versus Captain Honki 0:44

15 Yasunori Iwasaki- Luffy Versus Ratchet Round 2 0:59

16 Kouhei Tanaka- I Will Surpass You!!! 2:59

17 Kouhei Tanaka- Conviction of the Blackbeard Pirates 1:45

18 Kouhei Tanaka- Shut Up!!! Let's Go!!!! 0:40

19 Kouhei Tanaka- Daft Green -Cause of Tragedy- 2:04

20 Shiro Hamaguchi- Gathering -Last Desperate Hope- 0:54

21 Kouhei Tanaka- the Operation Begins -The Village Is Destroyed- 3:19

22 Shiro Hamaguchi- Terror of the Giant Animals -Things Were Already Bad!- 1:31

23 Shiro Hamaguchi- Sanji's Leg of Wind -This Is a Taste of East Blue Love- 1:45

24 Shiro Hamaguchi- the Final Battle -Gigant Thor Axe- 1:42

25 Shiro Hamaguchi- Song of Triumph -The Islands Fall to the Sea, the People Fly to the Sky



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