聯合公園 Linkin Park- Hybrid Theory (20週年精裝紀念款)限量版 黑膠唱片 LP
- Regular price
- NT$ 255.10
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- NT$ 255.10
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NT$ 0.00
預購: 每月月初進貨
Label: Sony Music
Released: 09/11/2018
Disc:內含10張唱片,CD, DVD
這個盒裝套組還包括一本精美插圖的80頁書,其中包含了樂隊的貢獻和許多以前未曾公開的照片,外加一個巡演仿製證件、一張超大的 Chester Bennington 海報,以及由 Mike Shinoda、Joe Hahn 和 Frank Maddocks(原版和這個週年紀念版的藝術指導)提供的三幅新藝術畫。
- Disc 1 -
1 Papercut
2 One Step Closer
3 With You
4 Points of Authority
5 Crawling
6 Runaway
- Disc 2 -
1 By Myself
2 In the End
3 A Place for My Head
4 Forgotten
5 Cure for the Itch
6 Pushing Me Away
- Disc 3 -
1 Opening
2 Pts. Of. Athrty (Jay Gordon Reanimation)
3 Enth E ND (Kutmasta Kurt Reanimation) [Feat. Motion Man]
4 [Chali]
5 FRGT/10 (Alchemist Reanimation) [Feat. Chali 2Na]
6 P5HNG Me A*Wy (Mike Shinoda Reanimation) [Feat. Stephen Richards]
- Disc 4 -
1 PLC.4 Mie HÆD (Amp Live Reanimation) [Feat. Zion]
2 X-Ecutioner Style (Feat. Black Thought)
3 H! VLTG3 (Evidence Reanimation) [Feat. Pharoahe Monch and DJ Babu]
4 [Riff Raff]
5 Wth>You (Chairman Hahn Reanimation) [Feat. Aceyalone]
- Disc 5 -
1 NtrMssion
2 Ppr:Kut (Cheapshot and Jubacca Reanimation) [Feat. Rasco and Planet Asia]
3 Rnw@Y (Backyard Bangers Reanimation) [Feat. Phoenix Orion]
4 My
5 [Stef]
6 By_Myslf (Josh Abraham and Mike Shinoda Reanimation)
- Disc 6 -
1 Kyur4 TH Ich (Chairman Hahn Reanimation)
2 1STP Klosr (The Humble Brothers Reanimation) [Feat. Jonathan Davis]
3 KRWLNG (Mike Shinoda Reanimation) [Feat. Aaron Lewis]
- Disc 7 -
1 Carousel (Hybrid Theory Ep)
2 Technique (Short) [Hybrid Theory Ep]
3 Step Up (Hybrid Theory Ep)
4 And One (Hybrid Theory Ep)
5 High Voltage (Hybrid Theory Ep)
6 Part of Me (Hybrid Theory Ep)
- Disc 8 -
1 Side B
- Disc 9 -
1 Papercut
2 One Step Closer
3 With You
4 Points of Authority
5 Crawling
6 Runaway
7 By Myself
8 In the End
9 A Place for My Head
10 Forgotten
11 Cure for the Itch
12 Pushing Me Away
- Disc 10 -
1 Side B
- Disc 11 -
1 Opening
2 Pts. Of. Athrty (Jay Gordon Reanimation)
3 Enth E ND (Kutmasta Kurt Reanimation) [Feat. Motion Man]
4 [Chali]
5 FRGT/10 (Alchemist Reanimation) [Feat. Chali 2Na]
6 P5HNG Me A*Wy (Mike Shinoda Reanimation) [Feat. Stephen Richards]
7 PLC.4 Mie HÆD (Amp Live Reanimation) [Feat. Zion]
8 X-Ecutioner Style (Feat. Black Thought)
9 H! VLTG3 (Evidence Reanimation) [Feat. Pharoahe Monch and DJ Babu]
10 [Riff Raff]
11 Wth>You (Chairman Hahn Reanimation) [Feat. Aceyalone]
12 NtrMssion
13 Ppr:Kut (Cheapshot and Jubacca Reanimation) [Feat. Rasco and Planet Asia]
14 Rnw@Y (Backyard Bangers Reanimation) [Feat. Phoenix Orion]
15 My
16 [Stef]
17 By_Myslf (Josh Abraham and Mike Shinoda Reanimation)
18 Kyur4 TH Ich (Chairman Hahn Reanimation)
19 1STP Klosr (The Humble Brothers Reanimation) [Feat. Jonathan Davis]
20 KRWLNG (Mike Shinoda Reanimation) [Feat. Aaron Lewis]
- Disc 12 -
1 Side B
- Disc 13 -
1 One Step Closer (Rock Mix) [B-Side Rarities]
2 It's Goin' Down (Feat. Mike Shinoda and Mr. Hahn) [B-Side Rarities] - By the X-Ecutioners
3 Papercut (Live from the BBC) [B-Side Rarities]
4 In the End (Live BBC Radio One) [B-Side Rarities]
5 Points of Authority (Live BBC Radio One) [B-Side Rarities]
6 High Voltage (B-Side Rarities)
7 Step Up (1999 Demo) [B-Side Rarities]
8 My December (B-Side Rarities)
9 A Place for My Head (Live at Docklands Arena, London) [B-Side Rarities]
10 Points of Authority (Live at Docklands Arena, London) [B-Side Rarities]
11 Papercut (Live at Docklands Arena, London) [B-Side Rarities]
12 Buy Myself (Marilyn Manson Remix) [B-Side Rarities]
- Disc 14 -
1 Side B
- Disc 15 -
1 In the End (Demo) [Lpu Rarities]
2 Dedicated (1999 Demo) [Lpu Rarities]
3 With You (Live at Docklands Arena, London) [Lpu Rarities]
4 High Voltage (Live at Docklands Arena, London) [Lpu Rarities]
5 Points of Authority (Demo) [Lpu Rarities]
6 Stick and Move ("Runaway" Demo 1998) [Lpu Rarities]
7 Esaul ("A Place for My Head" Demo) [Lpu Rarities]
8 Oh No ("Points of Authority" Demo) [Lpu Rarities]
9 Slip (1998 Unreleased Hybrid Theory Demo) [Lpu Rarities]
10 GRR (1999 Demo) [Lpu Rarities]
11 So Far Away (Unreleased 1998) [Lpu Rarities]
12 Coal (Unreleased Demo 1997) [Lpu Rarities]
13 Forgotten (Demo) [Lpu Rarities]
14 Sad ("By Myself" Demo 1999) [Lpu Rarities]
15 Hurry (1999 Demo) [Lpu Rarities]
16 Blue (1998 Unreleased Hybrid Theory Demo) [Lpu Rarities]
17 Chair (1999 "Part of Me" Demo) [Lpu Rarities]
18 Pts. Of. Athrty (Crystal Method Remix) [Lpu Rarities]
- Disc 16 -
1 Side B
- Disc 17 -
1 Dialate (Xero Demo)
2 Pictureboard
3 She Couldn't
4 Could Have Been
5 Reading My Eyes (Xero Demo)
6 Rhinestone (Xero Demo)
7 Esaul (Xero Demo)
8 Stick N Move (Demo)
9 Carousel (Demo)
10 Points of Authority (Demo)
11 Crawling (Demo)
12 Superxero (By Myself Demo)
- Disc 18 -
1 Side B
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