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超脫樂團 Nirvana- In Utero (30週年終極版|盒裝|CD)

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NT$ 5,990.00
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NT$ 5,990.00
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預購: 每月月初進貨

Label: Geffen

發行日: 2023/10/27


Disc:5CD, 盒裝


Nirvana - 《In Utero (30週年紀念版)》 - 為慶祝《In Utero》的30週年,這款5CD超級豪華版特別收錄了專輯 + 5首B面曲和新近重製的額外曲目,以及來自1993年洛杉磯和1994年西雅圖的2場完整演唱會,再加上6首巡迴演唱會的額外現場曲目 - 總共72首曲目 - 其中53首是未發行的曲目。


  • 一個天使壓克力板
  • 48頁的書,內含未發行的照片
  • 新的20頁粉絲雜誌;洛杉磯演唱會的海報石版印刷
  • 2張票根;宣傳天使移動的複製品,3張演唱會傳單,全程通行證和4張後台通行證。

[超級豪華版 5 CD 盒裝]

從樂迷的角度來看,這款超級豪華版是對Nirvana和《In Utero》的最高致敬。它不僅收錄了大量的未發行曲目和現場表演,還有許多獨家的珍藏品,如天使亞克力板、未發行的照片和粉絲雜誌等,都充分展現了Nirvana的音樂才華和他們與粉絲之間的深厚情感。這款盒裝無疑是每位Nirvana迷的夢想收藏品,讓人們能夠更深入地了解和感受這支傳奇樂隊的音樂世界。


- Disc 1 -

1 * in Utero - Original Album Remastered

2 Serve the Servants

3 Scentless Apprentice

4 Heart-Shaped Box

5 Rape Me

6 Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge on Seattle

7 Dumb

8 Very Ape

9 Milk It

10 Pennyroyal Tea

11 Radio Friendly Unit Shifter

12 Tourette's

13 All Apologies

14 * Bonus Tracks & B-Sides - Remastered

15 Gallons of Rubbing Alcohol Flow Through the Strip

16 Marigold

17 Sappy

18 Moist Vagina

19 I Hate Myself and Want to Die

- Disc 2 -

1 Live in Los Angeles - Great Western Forum - December 30, 1993

2 Radio Friendly Unit Shifter

3 Drain You

4 Breed

5 Serve the Servants

6 Come As You Are

7 Smells Like Teen Spirit

8 Sliver

9 Dumb

10 In Bloom

11 About a Girl

12 Lithium

13 Pennyroyal Tea

- Disc 3 -

1 School

2 Polly

3 Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge on Seattle

4 Rape Me

5 Territorial Pissings

6 Jesus Doesn't Want Me for a Sunbeam

7 The Man Who Sold the World

8 All Apologies

9 On a Plain

10 Heart-Shaped Box

11 Blew

12 Feedback Jam

- Disc 4 -

1 Live in Seattle - Seattle Center Arena - January 7, 1994

2 Radio Friendly Unit Shifter

3 Drain You

4 Breed

5 Serve the Servants

6 Come As You Are

7 Smells Like Teen Spirit

8 Sliver

9 Dumb

10 In Bloom

11 About a Girl

12 Lithium

13 Pennyroyal Tea

- Disc 5 -

1 School

2 Polly

3 Frances Farmer Will Haver Her Revenge on Seattle

4 Milk It

5 Rape Me

6 Territorial Pissings

7 Jesus Doesn't Want Me for a Sunbeam

8 The Man Who Sold the World

9 All Apologies

10 On a Plain

11 Scentless Apprentice

12 Heart-Shaped Box

13 Blew

14 * Bonus Live 1993/1994

15 Serve the Servants (Live in Rome)

16 Scentless Apprentice (Live in Rome)

17 Heart-Shaped Box (Live in Rome)

18 Very Ape (Live in Rome)

19 Milk It (Live in Springfield)

20 Tourette's (Live in New York)


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