• 哥吉拉II 怪獸之王
  • 哥吉拉II 怪獸之王 (1)

[LP] 哥吉拉·摩斯拉·王者基多拉 大怪獸總攻擊 紫色圖片彩膠

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NT$ 47.90
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NT$ 47.90
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Godzilla, Mothra and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack Original Soundtrack

預購: 小廠進貨時間較長(洽詢客服)


Disc:2LP, 圖片彩膠


-Disc 1-
Side A

  1. Call to Arms
  2. Main Title
  3. Village Spirits
  4. The Huge Fang
  5. The Menacing Claw Mark
  6. The Legend Of The Guardian Monsters
  7. Incident at the Lake Shore
  8. Premonition
  9. The Mysterious Old Man
  10. The Giant Foot
  11. Cries Of Sorrow
  12. The Arcane Stone
  13. The Sleeping Three-Headed Dragon
  14. Cruiser
  15. Dark Vision
  16. Revived Legend
  17. God of the Earth: Baragon
  18. The God of Destruction Appears
  19. Terrifying Landing

Side B

  1. The Forgotten Horror
  2. Confrontation of the Two Giant Monsters
  3. The Sacred Beast's Ambush
  4. Signs of revival
  5. The Giant Cocoon
  6. God of the Sea: Mothra
  7. Unleashed Spirits of the War Dead
  8. Attack Preparation
  9. A Tense Moment
  10. God of the Sky: King Ghidorah
  11. GMK
  12. Missile salvo
  13. Godzilla's Rage

-Disc 2-
Side C

  1. Determined to Protect the Future
  2. Mysterious Power
  3. The Miracle of the Three Sacred Beasts
  4. A Desperate Crisis
  5. Escape from Godzilla
  6. A Salute to the Spirits of the War Dead
  7. End Roll: Godzilla Theme - Great Monster War March - Main Title Composer: Akira Ifukube, Kow Otani

Side D

  1. 哥吉拉圖片(無音軌)


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