Various Artists - Yellow Productions: Bob Sinclar & Dj Yellow A French Touch Since 1994(黑膠唱片 3LP)
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- NT$ 78.20
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- NT$ 78.20
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⟪30 週年限量紀念套裝⟫
法國電子音樂傳奇廠牌 Yellow Productions 成立 30 週年紀念套裝《A French Touch Since 1994》。這套由廠牌創始人 Bob Sinclar 與 DJ Yellow 親自策劃的三片裝黑膠,完整收錄了從 1994 年至今的精選作品。
Yellow Productions 是法國電子音樂史上最具代表性的廠牌之一,在 Bob Sinclar 與 DJ Yellow(本名 Alain Hô)的帶領下,不僅孕育出無數膾炙人口的經典作品,更為 French Touch 運動奠定了重要基石。這套精選輯網羅了廠牌 30 年來最精彩的音樂,從 House、Trip-Hop 到 Jazz、Hip-Hop,展現了 Yellow Productions 獨特而多元的音樂風格。
收錄作品包含多位重量級藝人,如 Bob Sinclar、DJ Yellow、Africanism、Martin Solveig、Kid Loco 等人的經典曲目,其中更收錄了多首珍貴的未發表作品與稀有曲目。每一首歌都完美展現了 French Touch 獨特的製作美學與音樂魅力。
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Label: Yellow Productions
發行日: 2024/10/25
Disc:3LP, 盒裝
- Disc 1 -
1 DJ Cam - DJ Cam Theme
2 Cutee B - Jazz Ob Piano
3 The Right Vibes - What Is Jazz
4 Reminiscence Quartet - Inspiration
5 Bob Sinclar - Gym Tonic
6 Calm - People from the Sun and the Earth (Dixon's Advc Remix)
7 Tom & Joy - Queixume (Masters at Work Remix)
8 Salomé de Bahia - Outro Lugar
9 Bob Sinclar Feat. Ron Carroll - House Music
10 Africanism Presents Bob Sinclar, David Guetta, Joachim Garraud & Tim Deluxe Feat. Ben Onono - Summer Moon (Eran Hersh & Stadiumx Remix)
- Disc 2 -
1 East - Bundle O'Jazz
2 La Yellow 357 - Quelle Sensation Bizarre
3 Somethingalamode Feat. Karl Lagerfeld - Rondo Parisiano
4 Artofdisco Presents Martino - 4.00 Am in the Mourning (Putsch'79 Remix)
5 Bob Sinclar - New New New (Avicii Remix)
6 Artofdisco Presents Accident in Paradise - Don't Be Late
7 Africanism Presents DJ Gregory - Bloc Party
8 Bangbang - Shoot the Model (Teen Remix Edited By Shield)
9 Bob Sinclar & Dimitri from Paris Feat. Byron Stingily - Love Is the Answer
10 Artofdisco Presents DJ Yellow - Mosheeba
- Disc 3 -
1 Louise Vertigo - Où Est la Femme ?
2 The Mighty Bop Feat. Duncan Roy - Too Deep
3 Africanism Presents DJ Gregory Feat. Salomé de Bahia - Tourment D'amour
4 Bob Sinclar Feat. Sofiya Nzau - Digane
5 Artofdisco Presents Farrell Lennon - Ten Thousand Women (Boris Dlugosch Remix)
6 The Mighty Bop Feat. Ejm - Freestyle Linguistique
7 Kid Loco - She's My Lover
8 Artofdisco Presents Vince - Superworld (DJ T. & Booka Shade Remix)
9 Africanism Presents Martin Solveig - Edony (Clap Your Hands)
10 Bob Sinclar Feat. Steve Edwards - World Hold on (Children of the Sky)
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