迪士尼終極合輯 Ultimate Disney(3CD)
- Regular price
- NT$ 16.00
- Sale price
- NT$ 16.00
- Regular price
NT$ 0.00
預購: 每月月初進貨
Label: Universal
發行日: 2018/06/29
環球黑膠為您帶來《迪士尼終極合輯 Ultimate Disney》專輯匯集了迪士尼歷年來最經典、最動人的音樂作品,是一張讓人沉浸在迪士尼魔法世界的音樂盛宴。這張專輯涵蓋了許多知名動畫電影的主題曲和插曲,如《美女與野獸》、《獅子王》、《小美人魚》等。每首歌曲都是一段充滿溫暖、感動和童趣的音樂故事,讓人們能夠重溫童年的美好回憶,同時也帶來無盡的歡樂和感動。無論是小朋友還是大人,都能在這張專輯中找到自己喜愛的迪士尼經典,享受音樂帶來的快樂和情感共鳴。
-Disc 1-
- The Bare Necessities(The Jungle Book)
- Let It Go (Frozen)
- How Far I'll Go(Moana)
- Circle of Life (The Lion King)
- Under the Sea (The Little Mermaid)
- You've Got a Friend in Me(Toy Story)
- That's How You Know (Enchanted)
- A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes(Cinderella)
- Beauty and the Beast
- A Whole New World (Aladdin)
- When She Loved Me(Toy Story 2)
- When Will My Life Begin?(Tangled)
- Reflection (Pop Version) Mulan
- Chim Chim Cher-ee Mary Poppins
- The Beautiful Briny(Bedknobs and Broomstick)
- Winnie the Pooh(Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree)
- When You Wish Upon a Star(Pinocchio)
- Mickey Mouse March(Mickey Mouse Club)
-Disc 2-
- We Know the Way (Moana)
- Hakuna Matata (The Lion King)
- Fixer Upper (Frozon)
- Be Our Guest (Beauty and the Beast)
- Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious(Mary Poppins)
- What's This?(The Nightmare Before Christmas)
- If I Didn't Have You (Monsters, Inc.)
- Touch the Skyn (Brave)
- Someday(The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
- Just Around the Riverbend(Pocahontas)
- I've Got No Strings (Pinocchio)
- The Wonderful Thing About Tiggere(The Tigger Movie)
- Kiss the Girl (The Littte Mermaid)
- Almost There(The Princess and the Frog)
- The Ballad of Davy Grockett(Davy Crockett)
- Won't Say l'm in Love(Hercules)
- Whoop-de-Dooper Bounce(The Tigger Movie)
- Yo, Ho! (A Pirate's Life for Me)(Pirates of the Caribboan at Disneyland Park)
-Disc 3-
- I Just Can't Wait to Be King(The Lion King)
- One Jump Ahead (Aladdin)
- Colors of the Wind (Pocahontas)
- Cruella De Vill(101 Dalmatians)
- Heigh-Ho(Snow Whiteand the Seven Dwarfs)
- When I See an Elephant Fly (Dumbo)
- Once Upon a Dream (Sleeping Beauty)
- The Siamese Cat Song(Lady and the Tramp)
- Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo (The Magic Song) (Cinderella)
- Littte April Shower (Bambi)
- You'll Be in My Heart! (TARZAN)
- Colonel Hathl's March (The Elephant Song)(The Jungle Book)
- Best of Friends(The Fox and the Hound)
- Following the Leader (Peter Pan)
- A Star is Born (Hercules)
- Everybody Wants to Be a Cat(The Aristocats)
- Higitus Figitus(The Sword in the Stone)
- It's a Small World (It's a Small World at The Magic Kingdom Park)
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